A little late

Congratulations to Howard Dean for winning his first primary.

So Kerry is the nominee. From Fark.com (somewhat indirectly, since they mangled the link) comes the news that he wants to be our second black president:

Speaking to the American Urban Radio Network, Kerry said Monday that he hoped to emulate former President Clinton in the eyes of blacks, the party’s most loyal constituency and a solid source of support during his stretch of primary wins.

“President Clinton was often known as the first black president,” Kerry said. “I wouldn’t be upset if I could earn the right to be the second.”

Now we can look forward to a stream of articles speculating about the veep slot, followed by a compensating stream telling us it doesn’t matter because the vice-presidential candidate can rarely even help win their home state. (Of course, Gore couldn’t win his home state in 2000, so maybe the presidential candidate doesn’t matter either.)

Nobody’s really excited about Kerry, are they? He seems like Gore with a different accent. Aloof, drifting, only predictable in his willingness to back down on questions of principle when an opportunity to pander presents itself. But we should give him a chance, and see how he does under the spotlight of the general-election campaign.

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