Reading and writing

So, I think we set a record for visitors to Preposterous yesterday. Mark also noticed that even his blog got a lot more visitors than usual. From this we derive an obvious lesson: if you want to generate traffic, you should write about me. (Not “yourself,” you understand — you should write about me, Sean.)

Seriously, I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of supportive comments. They mean a lot to me. But I do want to clarify one point. When I mentioned that blogging will be a low priority, nobody should read that as “while I drink heavily and wallow in self-pity.” (Self-pity will not be involved.) Rather, it’s “since I don’t have much time while I scramble to get some other things done.” Perhaps I am simply in an early, denial-based phase, but at the moment I am in no danger at all of questioning myself. I am questioning the judgment of some people, but not of myself. Hopefully I will soon find time to write the posts I have in mind on wormholes, amateurs, string theory, and co-evolutionary learning. (Those are separate posts, not one big one — although that would be fun.)

In the meantime, I understand there are other blogs out there. All the ones on the blogroll are written by witty and charismatic thinkers, I encourage you to visit. (To pick two at not-quite-random, Shakespeare’s Sister and Ezra Klein are a couple I should be linking to much more often.) And don’t forget the “next blog” button in the top right corner, which is a source of constant delight. Today I discovered Sharon Spotbottom, which has some interesting and provocative cartoons. But it will be hard to beat my all-time favorite, the Bean Bag Blog.

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