Management stylings

I don’t have the strength/time/interest to slog through the entries at Arianna Huffington’s celebrity blog, but others do. Tigerhawk highlights this piece by Larry David:

Why, even this morning my moronic assistant handed me a cup of coffee with way too much milk in it. I was incensed.

“You stupid ignoramus,” I screamed, doing all I could to restrain myself from tossing the luke-warm liquid in her face. “There’s too much freaking (I didn’t say freaking) milk in here! What the freak is wrong with you?!”

“I’m sorry, sir,” she stammered. Like sorry’s going to fix everything. I’m not interested in sorry. Sorry doesn’t cut it with me.

“Look, you idiot,” I continued, “I wouldn’t mind so much if you gave me too little milk. Little can be fixed. We can add to little.”

“Shall I get you another cup?”

“No, I’ll suck on my thumb. Yes, get me another cup, you douche bag! And chew on this — it’s going to cost you a dollar!”

It reminded me of a similar anecdote I had recently read — where was that, now? — ah yes, at Darth Vader’s blog:

I am aboard the StarDestroyer Avenger, en route to the outlands of Mordell at the galactic rim — but I started my morning on Coruscant. I was having my morning tea when the new girl came through to tell me the Emperor commanded my presence at the palace.

“Is your breakfast quite satisfactory, Lord Vader?” she asked.

It was not, but we shall let her next of kin worry about that.

Larry David wishes he was Darth Vader.

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