2 thoughts on “Alien water droplets”

  1. Sean:

    Don’t you realize that you have broken the laws, by illegally copying and uploading copyrighted material to cosmicvariance.com?

    The creator of those photographies explicitly claimed: “All photographs appearing in this fotoopa web site are under the protection of the international copyright laws. No photograph may be reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without the written permission of fotoopa.”

    apostropher at least know better than you by providing a URL but not show the images directly.


  2. “Don’t you realize that you have broken the laws…”

    Hehehe… because I just wrote a few paragraphs about the conservation of energy, and I’m familiar with the usual content of Quantoken’s comments, my first reaction to this phrase was, “How could Sean have broken any conservation laws?!” 🙂

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