10 thoughts on “I, For One, Welcome Our Neutrino Overlords”

  1. “unless you’re an elementary particle who is self-conscious about your weight”
    Is this that old religion of “relativistic mass” coming back? 🙂

  2. Um, in case someone takes me seriously about using the word “religion”, I should mention I was not being serious.

  3. Plato, atheists don’t worship anyone. And if you think you are talking about Hinduism, please read a textbook on it before you do.

  4. Plato, sorry if I came on a bit strong. All I was saying in #1 is that some people prefer to use the concept just rest mass. The word religion got in there just to continue the theme of the title of the post .

  5. Reminds me of that rediculous Woody Allen film where a giant breast–created by a mad scientist of course–terrorizes the countryside.

  6. Hi Sean,

    thanks for the link. Gee, and I was wondering about this Number of visitors per day!

    Btw, I came across the photo in a German Magazine (Stern) that my mother reads and ‘collects for me’ (meaning, if I am visiting her I find about 30 issues on my desk). It’s kind of depressing though that besides the name of the experiment they didn’t write anything about the science behind it (thus my post). Best,


  7. Chinmaya Sheth: Plato, sorry if I came on a bit strong.

    That’s okay. You have to have stuff skin around here. 🙂

    Little Sun

    You can check out link on my name.

    Some elevate the sun to gamma, or even, the moon. I guess it’s how scientists like to look at it, once they have another perspective about it. How John Bahcall may have looked at it after spending so much time in research?

    Overlord’s of science


    As a scientist, you know your place in the world. Yet, you dream of such “fantastical stories.” About things travelling through the little towns in Europe, as if, seeing the “Overlords of Science.” Like some futuristic God making it’s way through the town of some primitive era on earth. “Shocked people” looking from windows, as this enormous object in the “war of the worlds,” has finally come upon us.

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