23 thoughts on “Wine vs. Beer”

  1. Hmmm, what if I like beer and wine? Or wine and beer? In the same night? Is that the difference between a democrat and a progressive?

  2. Hillary Beer? Puleeease….

    She is not only wine but wine and cheese through and through.


  3. JustAnotherInfidel

    “Hillary Beer? Puleeease….

    She is not only wine but wine and cheese through and through.”

    I don’t know…. It’s easy to imagine her and Bill dressed in leather at a biker rally.

  4. beer versus wine

    That seems to me to be more of a state of a state thang. We certainly don’t think of wine when Milwaukee is mentioned, or Wisconsin for that matter. Pennsylvania with Pittsburg and Rolling Rock, beer! St. Louis, beer; Chicago, beer; Arkansas, beer. And although there may be fine CA microbreweries that produce the great quality heads and thick malty-rich ambers, CA is all about wine. WA is all about wine, leaving the brewing to those folks just to the south in that other state. In fact we would need to go ‘downunder’ to get a healthy balanced ratio of wine:beer and perhaps dingo:feline owlet-nightjar???

  5. Doesn’t Obama’s life-story resonate pretty strongly with the blue-collar, beer-drinkers? In this system of candidate classification what are the Republican candidates? John McCain = straight-talking Kentucky straight bourboun. Rudy Giuliani = A sleazy, filthy martini. And vegan Democratic hopeful Dennis Kucinich = vodka spiked organic soy milk.

  6. Kitten:I knew I was to young for both Wine and Beer..what was I thinking?

    This Kitten has surely learnt that, a Wine and Beer escapade, induces a sure fire “Mixed State” upon the user!

    Milk is the Pure liquid this Kitten will never stray from again !

  7. May be your co bloggers are doing too much Space-Time bonking, a bit of entanglement, which can only lead to some super fluid exchange. They want to be careful, if there not using protection, they might end up with an STTD; Space-Time Transmitted Disease. Or if everything goes to plan they could end up with Baby Universe, then they will have to give it away as fast as they can and hope the USA ( Universe Support Agency ) does not catch up with them ( Sorry you have to be British to get that last comment! ). Come to think of it they probably have no know idea who’s Willy they are playing with;

    Stephen Hawking once said “If we do discover a theory of everything…it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason—for then we would truly know the mind of God.” This is wrong! We would not know the mind of god, If we do discover a Theory Of Everything, then we have only just discovered how to play with his magic willy!…. “Which way is north again?!”


    You know what I think? “A few people in the world think they know the TOE and instead of telling the world they have chosen to keep it in captivity”. I think it should be in the open, so come on! It’s about time it was free, FREE WILLY!


  8. “I don’t know…. It’s easy to imagine her and Bill dressed in leather at a biker rally.”

    Easy, yes, but SHOULD it be imagined?

  9. If Hillary is beer then its something like PBR or Iron City. Or is Hillary really just the beer can konking Bill on the head?

  10. From the Poor Man Institute, under the same picture:


  11. All of this is interesting, but I’m sure what everyone’s really wondering about the 2008 Democratic Presidential candidates is: what kind of elementary particle are they? Well according to the highly scientific online survey (http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=particles) and without any explanation:

    Obama is an electron and Clinton is a top quark.

    Who knows who’ll win in the electron vs. top quark campaign, but I’ve got my money on the one that gives electric (electronic?) oratory and has a moving personal story. But the real question is, why are the top two Dems both fermions? What does this say about the Dems chances of really reaching out to the millions of Americans who subscribe to bosonic beliefs?

  12. Obama seems very photonic based on the number of photos of him.

    Also I don’t think either one of them exhibits an exclusion principle based on what I’ve heard so far in the campaign.

    And I don’t think either of them are WIMPs….


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