The Coming Civil War

Glenn Beck — who has a daily TV show on a popular cable news network and therefore must be taken more seriously in some quarters than scruffy people ranting on streetcorners — assembles his friends to war-game the coming civil war. Apparently a combination of 95% tax rates and a flood of unwashed Mexicans is going to provoke militias made of Bubbas to rise up against the U.S. government. Also, Obama is going to force states to accept stimulus money against their will.

Beck follows up by explaining how God fits into all this. The answer is: God gave this country freedom, and God has a method of communicating to us when our freedoms are being taken away. That method, apparently, goes through the gut. Imminent threats to freedom are foreshadowed, if I understand correctly, by a mild sort of indigestion.

You might think this is an isolated case, but here is Alan Keyes — who used to have a TV show, and was recruited by the Illinois Republican party to run for Senate, and therefore must be taken more seriously in some quarters than random fulminators on internet message boards — also warning darkly of the coming civil war.

Indeed, it may have already begun. If I understand this article from correctly, several states have already declared sovereignty, paving the way to full-scale secession from the Union. Nobody wants this to happen, you understand; but if the Democrat party wants to undermine the Constitution and redistribute the wealth, the consequences are simply inevitable.

Here at Cosmic Variance, we believe in always being prepared. The coming civil war isn’t going to be pretty. Don’t say you weren’t warned!


47 thoughts on “The Coming Civil War”

  1. I believe that Glen Beck is a money grubbing lying sack of excrement, he promotes the hatred of minorities and encourages sedition in our nation, and that there is no limit to his evilness. I fully expect for him to die a long, slow, painful and mutilating death brought about by a sexually transmitted disease given him by one of his loved ones. Well, I can only hope.

  2. There are millions of us who have had it with this government. Bush and the Republicans started it; spending money like drunken sailors. Now Obama and the Democrats (who used to complain about the Bush deficits) are spending money like an entire drunken navy. If they raised taxes to a 95% marginal rate for all earned income over $250k it would not pay for half of the recent spending. They are bankrupting this country and will eventually make our fiat currency completely worthless. The increased taxes are going to kill small and large businesses and cause even more unemployment. Just look at California, New York, and Michigan. People are leaving those places in droves because of the high business and job killing taxes. It is a lot harder to leave a country. We revolted against England for a lot less. They are leaving us no other option.

  3. Pingback: Could we have a Revolution today? - Page 4 - Project Reality Forums

  4. james matthues

    Sign me up the govrenment has been screwing my people for to long the single white male has been discrimanated agianst since that idiot Clinton Obama gettin elected is affirmative action at work.

  5. Bubba, grow a brain. “Stimulus” spending so far is about 10% of GDP and the entire national debt is about 55%. If you’ve ever had a house or car loan you’ve been in far worse debt. If FDR had done nothing, we’d still be in the great depression NOW! I recommend you vote with your feet……

  6. Hey I was curious Sean, how much to you make a year as a professor? And how much of it will go to taxes, at the federal, and at the local level?

  7. Maybe we should pray on it. 🙂

    Please pray to ____ insert your deity of choice___.

  8. coolstar, I have a car and house loan and I am not even close to being in worse debt than the United States. The United States debt is $10+ Trillion and with the new Democrat budgets it will be growing by over a trillion a year for several years into the future. Future unfunded federal obligations (Social Security, Medicare, etc. ) are now over $50 trillion or about $170,000 for each American. My budget operates with a cash surplus and my debt is being paid off. When was the last time the U.S. budget was even balanced? It can be argued that FDR’s policies actually delayed our recovery just as Obama’s will delay if not worsen our current situation. WWII ended the depression, not FDR. So coolstar, read a few books and learn the truth. Our country is bankrupt and borrowing more is not the solution…

  9. Boys, in my part of the world, every redneck I know is buying bullets for the many guns they own. Used gun prices have doubled since November. Gun permits have tripled (check it out) I don’t even own a gun, but I will soon. This month I have made several trips to ball games, meeting and such, each time with a different group of guys (usually four of us), and it is the same song, similar verse. “When are we going to take our country back?” What can we do to prevent Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi from making our country a socialist state?” “All we need is a credible leader, that is what everyone is waiting for, and when that happens all hell is going to break loose.” That is what I keep hearing over and over every day and in most converstions.

    I am not in favor of all this stuff, but I am a defender of states rights. What is good for Louisiana may not be good for Washington State and so on. Should my state secede then I will go with her and defend her to my most utmost ability; hopefully in peace. Should Obama form his militia guard as he promised in Louisiana he can expect fight. All you doubters hide and watch. We will not become a soviet state. Period.

  10. The time has come for all of us to stand up and enforce our constitution. Those who follow our government blindly without questioning it must wake up and look around them. Those are the ones who are afraid to lose what they have instead of giving everything to bring our country back to our good (legal)citizens

  11. You ignorant, closed minded, fascist liberals need to actually watch or listen to one of shows that you love to bash. I watched the episode that this is about. What Beck was talking about, was that if these things do come to pass, then it could spark civil unrest. Not that he was saying these things would definitely happen, or that he was condoning civil unrest. In fact, he was warning that this could indeed happen in a worse case scenario, and we need to be wary of civil unrest and not go in that direction, but instead look for peaceful solutions. I always love to hear the liberal left on their hate diatribes, bashing everything that they have never watched, listened to, or know anything about. They can not stand any dissent of their narrow little viewpoint.

  12. Adealia Artist

    We have a young narcissistic president who fancies himself a prince and messiah. The Progressives behind him have no real concept of reality and are very much modern brownshirts. Judging by the Progressives commenting here it is clear they are followers who cannot think for themselves or take care of themselves. I expect, like others, when this fool President completes bankrupting the USA that we will be in the a depression so great it will be generations before we are out of it. In the meantime violence and maybe even civil war will ravage our country.

  13. What Can we common Poeple do about the Bailout? Nothing.. we just have to wait and see if the company comes up and develops new cars and prototypes to please the americal consumer

  14. Well just so long as the bath houses and swinger clubs do not get shutdown you democrats ought to be happy enough.

  15. the country is headed down a dangerous road

    we have a worthless currency and soon when even the chinese don’t show up at the bond auction the fed will have to buy more and more of its own debt

    go to to see how bad the situation really is-half of homeowners will be upside down by 2010

    and govt controlling healthcare and energy and production is going to make “things better”

    a collapse of our currency is not a matter of IF but WHEN


  16. Obama is just another looting criminal politician. Bush sucked, but this jerk and his band of fellow traveler freaks will destroy what is left of this once great country.

  17. This was different to read. The political aspect being what it is many fail to look at the heart of the problem. The issue is beleifs. We have devided as a county along the lines of our beliefs. Beliefs are what we fight and die for. We have reached close to 50 50 on the sides just look at the actaul number of votes to each side in the presidential election over the last 25 years and this is evident.

    We have lost tollerance and respect for the beliefs and rights of others when they disagrre with ours. Dont beleive in guns or abortion dont get one but stay out of my life and dont regulate what i can have or do.

    Yes there will be some type of upheaval in this country be it by force of arms or roits or elections.

    If you need proof look at the sales of rual land, weapons, long term food storge and supplies ect.

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