Atheism: Bringing the Sexy Back

It would be amusing to just have a contest asking people to guess what the vertical axis on this chart is supposed to represent.


The answer is, “reply rate to first-contact messages on an online dating site, as a function of words appearing in the message.” In particular, the site OkCupid, which has a handy rundown of which words and phrases are most likely to garner a reply to an initial contact. (Via FlowingData.) The average response rate is 32%, so you can see how using some specific word increases or decreases your chances of success. Apparently mentioning “God” is a big turn-off, although calling Him by a proper name is slightly helpful. But nothing works at turning a stranger’s head quite like bringing up His complete lack of existence.

Other useful hints: real words good, fake internet words bad. Complimenting personality/intellect good, complimenting looks bad. Being specific is good, especially if it involves physics, heavy metal, vegetarianism, or zombies. Hey, I’m just the messenger here.


59 thoughts on “Atheism: Bringing the Sexy Back”

  1. When you start throwing Allah, Jesus, and God around in your very first message, you’re pretty much admitting you’re crazy. I remember that when I was entering college, they gave us a survey and one of the questions was “Are you a born again Christian?” I pretty much determined that it translated to, “Do you want to get rejected?”

  2. Pingback: Atheists… « No Time for Trivia

  3. Buddhists are religious folks who do not believe in a Creator. So if a theist is one who believes in Creator, a Buddhist is an atheist (a-theist) ). But being an atheist should be distinguished from being non-religious (or from being “non-spiritual,” take your pick.)
    Also, one need not be superstitious to be “spiritual,” or “religious.” Whether there is a divine reality is one thing, but wether the ancients who wrote the world’s scriptures knew what we know about biology, astronomy, geology, chemistry, geography, etc., is quite anothe thing altogether. To take it faith that they knew more than us on those things is the height of superstition. We don’t need to connect a belief in a divine reality with ancient beliefs that are simply wrong and definitely NOT inspired by some anthopomorphic deity!

  4. Mandeep. this definately does NOT hold on eHarmony. as all there ‘research’ on “personality index’s” are based around some pop psychology. the result? if you are gay they won’t allow you to sign up (they specifically reject applicants for those they think will be hard to match, or those who are to disimiliar from there research groups) there argument is that gays will have a different matching algorithm and they haven’t done the research for it…there answer for atheists? apparently religious people where those they did the research on and so we would have a different matching algorithms also.

    some how i find there answer…..stupid.

  5. Pingback: God is for Suckers! » Blog Archive » Hey There, Sexy…

  6. Pingback: Atheism is Sexy! « No God Blog

  7. Laughingatignorance

    @ Julianne

    I’m 19 a virgin and damn sure ain’t due to the lack of plenty oppurtunities, guess I’m a bigger challenge then the majority of christian. I would get mad, but I expect nothing more of people who beleive in a fictional deity. Any of you non-virgins see you in hell anyway cause your loving god is going to make you fry on the justification you did not follow his word. HA so humorous. LUCIFER LUCIFER LUCIFER That’s my god. Or Shiva i praise her daily. Please, excuse the wavering. I digress to my main point your an idiot, but it’s ok cause Jesus loves you.

    P.S. as well as my god lucifer

  8. Pingback: Warum gibt es noch Gläubige? « Aufklärung 2.0

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