Colbert Nation

Every scientist who writes a popular-level book harbors a secret (or maybe not-so-secret) ambition: to be invited on the Colbert Report. Not only because Stephen Colbert is a funny guy, and it’s a good way to sell books — although there is that. The truth is that Colbert (and the Daily Show) love talking to scientists. The sad part of that truth is that more people are exposed to real scientists doing cutting-edge research by watching Comedy Central than by watching, shall we say, certain channels you might have thought more appropriate venues for such conversations. But the happy part is that Colbert and Jon Stewart help bring some fun to science, and expose it to an audience it might not otherwise reach.

So, mark your calendars: I’m going to be on Colbert on Wednesday, March 3. (Scheduled to be, anyway — updates as events warrant.) I have a book to sell, not that I would have turned down the opportunity otherwise.

The precedents are pretty formidable — below the fold I’ve put some of Colbert’s recent interviews with some famous physics/astronomy types. Two things seem immediately obvious: (1) for scientists, these folks are very good at doing entertaining interviews, and (2) Stephen Colbert is an amazingly good interviewer, managing to mix topical jokes and his usual schtick with some really good questions, and more than a bit of real background knowledge. I think this is going to take some preparation.

Anyone want to venture some guesses as to what questions he might ask? Every little bit of anticipation helps.

(Note on above link to the Onion: “Punkin Chunkin,” “Manhunter,” and “Heavy Metal Taskforce” are all real Science Channel shows. “Extreme Gravity” is, as far as I can tell, not.)

Brian Greene

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Brian Greene
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Economy

Janna Levin

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Janna Levin
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Economy

Mark Devlin

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Mark Devlin
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Economy

Lisa Randall

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Lisa Randall
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Economy

Brian Cox

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Brian Cox
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Economy

George Johnson

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
George Johnson
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Economy

Neil deGrasse Tyson

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Economy

47 thoughts on “Colbert Nation”

  1. Congratulations 🙂 I don’t think he’s funny admittedly, he’s just silly. I have nothing useful to say except don’t speak too fast. I’ve noticed that many times that scientists, once there’s a camera pointing at their face, try to get as many sentences as possible out as they can. Something different: did Janna Levin just say that there’s “a smaller camp of people that’s growing” who think that the universe has curvature? (Min 3:50). Did I misunderstand that, or did I miss something?

  2. Please, if Colbert asks you why there is something rather than nothing, NAIL HIM. I’m sure you have a good answer for that.

  3. From all I’ve seen of Colbert, the best interviews are the ones with no agenda and with the people who can roll with him. Sean, I’d say you aren’t selling your book on that show, you’re selling your personality, and that will sell the book.

  4. “Your book is called From Eternity to Here. What’s the road like? Why can’t we stay at eternity? Why do we want to be here?”

    He’ll play the funny idiot on you, so be prepared! I love that you’re on Colbert – it’s one of my favorite shows!

  5. Steven Colbert plays a crazy right wing guy, but he’s really a science guy. Listen to Neil deGrasse Tyson interview him for the StarTalk Radio show episode 10 Science in Society on podcast from itunes.

  6. The truth is that Colbert (and the Daily Show) love talking to scientists. The sad part of that truth is that more people are exposed to real scientists doing cutting-edge research by watching Comedy Central than by watching, shall we say, certain channels you might have thought more appropriate venues for such conversations.

    I don’t think it’s sad. I think it’s nice that science communication worls much better if you have a laugh about it. Bugger the “serious channels”, if they aren’t able to do it, we go and have a laugh.

  7. Sean — huge congrats on this – i know you’ve been making the rounds (heard your interview on Science Friday, great job there!) but — indeed, you *have* made it if you’re going on Colbert.

    For bright progressive types in this day and age, there’s not much beyond him and Jon Stewart (which really count as a joint program, though i tend to watch Stewart clips more — but of course, we just choose our on-demand clips by interest these days, so i’ll def. be watching yours!).

    You’ve gotten a lot of excellent advice above already, not so much to add here, but i would def. *not* be annoyed at all the interruptions, just let him do his (very smart and funny) thing, and get some books sold — and def. mention this blog!! i think getting a URL out there will get you more hits in the days following the airing than you guys may have *ever* had, i’m just wagering. not that the most popular physics and astronomy blog in the world needs that so much, but since you’re doing the book club and all that here, bringing eyeballs here will likely get you even more books sold.

    (And btw, for ease of the audience remembering and typing in, i would mention it in the shortest form possible, just “CosmicVariance.Com” since that redirects right here to the Discover hosting site, and i assume will do so permanently.. hm, come to think of it, on a separate note, i think it might behoove y’all to put some “About” link very prominently at the top or on the right where you already describe the blog explaining the term ‘cosmic variance’ and it was picked for the blog name, just so non-experts don’t feel so left out..? i’m sure this is written up somewhere, i just couldn’t find an easy link to it anywhere easily on the front page.)

    A question to ask him during some interruption.. hm, maybe something about irreversibility of some bodily process of his, like sneezing (to be safe).. just thinking.

    Alright — good luck, and rock on!!!


  8. Trying to anticipate a question from Colbert I believe is the very defintion of dark energy … just relax, be yourself, have fun and enjoy the ride. You will be great!!

  9. No jargon. Lot’s of visual imagery. Physics and astronomers exist to answer the questions that everyone else has and has always wanted to know…

  10. Am I alone in thinking that possibly little good can come of this? I’m prejudiced because a) I don’t find Colbert and Stewart particularly funny and b) think that it’s definitely a sign of the coming apocalypse that so many americans get their views on science AND politics from these guys. And watcha got against punkin’ chunkin? you don’t like rednecks doing experimental mechanics? (and yes, I GET the premise of Colbett, just don’t find it entertaining, much as I’ve never found most of David Letterman’s frat-boy humor (now just dirty old man humor) entertaining. ) Follow Tod’s advice and hope for the best; it MAY put some money in your pocket.

  11. locke quoth: “Am I alone in thinking that possibly little good can come of this? I’m prejudiced because a) I don’t find Colbert and Stewart particularly funny and b) think that it’s definitely a sign of the coming apocalypse that so many americans get their views on science AND politics from these guys.”

    Many of us would like to see real science covered by the “science” channels, and of course politics from the network and cable news channels.

    My guess is there are many people who don’t care for science or politics as much as they desire a narrative that confirms their worldview.

  12. Pingback: This Week in Science | TheWorldPolitics

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  14. Congratulations, Sean, I hope you enjoy yourself. I look forward to watching the show and to hearing about your experiences with Colbert and his TV crew.

  15. Thank for posting all these scientist Colbert vids! I love Stephen and wish you a great guest appearance on his show!

  16. Congrats on making the show. Colbert is very important – one of the few things occasionally worth watching on television.

    You will probably be coached by him & the staff in far more useful terms than our little pieces of advice here, but here’s mine: Colbert is Catholic. It is an immensely difficult thing to balance into the equation of how you want to deal with him given the pretext of the entire show, but it’s still something to keep in mind. Yes, he is out to get the extreme American Right, but this whole ‘our side of the fence’ thing that comments above have reiterated is nonsensical in the grand scheme of things.

    You may notice (Dawkins interview was an example) that he will slip in questions that he is taking seriously, not for mockery, even though he will make it sound like he’s still playing along. Some fairly intelligent bits at that. I say don’t labor on them and just get your own ideas out in an entertaining way. It is, in the end, a comedy show.

  17. I used to dislike Colbert but he’s definitely grown on me. His skill as a comedian is amazing–he successfully makes serious points without detracting from the comedy bits.

  18. Pingback: Report from Colbert | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine

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