
The LHC just saw its first collisions at 8 TeV, and all seems well. This should be an exciting year for the accelerator, and a film crew is documenting the action as part of a project called CERNPeople. It consists of a YouTube channel and a Google+ page, worth checking out. Throughout the year they’ll be putting up short videos in which they talk to the scientists and technicians about this and that. Here they ask about a perennial topic: competition between the experiments.


4 thoughts on “CERNPeople”

  1. Pingback: CERNPeople – - ScienceNewsX - Science News AggregatorScienceNewsX – Science News Aggregator

  2. The LHC just saw its first collisions at 8 TeV, and all seems well

    Phew, no black holes destroying the Earth yet! 😀

  3. Pingback: LHC vestigt nieuw record: 8 TeV botsingsenergie. Proost!

  4. Pingback: Die irre Saga der rasenden Neutrinos ist … vorbei! « Skyweek Zwei Punkt Null

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