12 thoughts on “Computer-Assisted Blackboard”

  1. That is pretty cool. I’d be curious to know if they have other objects (rolly things, springy things, blocky things, etc) that they’re able to add to the simulation. And object alignment gestures would probably be a lifesaver.

  2. Pingback: the coolest toy Computer Assisted Black Board…. « Sharing Points

  3. Pingback: A Quantum Diaries Survivor

  4. We have a whiteboard like that in our physics department at Wayne State. We don’t have a program that runs carts though :-), but the board looks very similar. You can draw on it, move objects around, and save your work as a graphics file. Pretty cool toy! I actually wanted to run our particle theory seminars there, but it’s a bit too small. The guy who put it in place for his “Innovation lab” (essentiall, a nice conference room) is no longer with the Department, so we all can use it. Rumor is that the lab with the board cost more than my startup…

  5. Pingback: Blogosphere: cool blackboard « Life in physics and nearby

  6. A local high school here in Melbourne is running a trial program with about 15 of those boards in the classrooms with intended use for a wide range of applications.

    I think they are using the software from this site:


    which seems pretty similar to the one above.

    of course, a cool whiteboard is no replacement for a bad teacher….

    “But sir, *why* does the pendulum swing back and forth like that?”



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