
So John McCain picks Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice-Presidential nominee. I know nothing about her, so will suspend judgment. But she is a woman, which is fantastic. The U.S. will either have an African-American President or a female Vice-President, which is the kind of history that should have been made long ago; so kudos to McCain for his courage in making that choice.

Beyond that, there are just a few tidbits that seem to be trotted out in all the stories about Palin. She is very firmly pro-life. Unless you are a polar bear. She is in favor of domestic partnerships, although against gay marriage (which puts her in the official Democratic position). She’s been embroiled in some sort of scandal, although it’s always hard to tell at first glance how serious those things should be taken. Perhaps her signature issue, as far as national politics is concerned, is drilling for oil all over the place — she’s in favor.

One might wonder whether McCain undermines his message of the importance of experience by picking a 44-year old governor with no national experience at all. But one might wonder whether Obama undermined his message of bringing change to Washington by choosing a white male Washington lifer from the Northeast; so clearly the McCain camp thought this was worth the risk. We might learn terrible or wonderful things about her in the next few months, but for the moment this seems superficially like a more palatable pick than any of the bigger Republican names that had been floating around — clearly it was in McCain’s eyes. (Brad DeLong wonders whether a similar line of reasoning didn’t leave us with Dan Quayle twenty years ago.)

Update: I originally included a link to this YouTube video of Palin making Craig Ferguson an honorary citizen of Alaska, which I think speaks to her sense of humor. But it also involves Ferguson making jokes about her giving off a sexy librarian vibe, which is fine in the context of a late-night comedy show, but isn’t a fair first impression for a female candidate for a major national office. All sorts of jokes will doubtless be on their way, we might as well make some meager effort to start things off with more substantive considerations.

Update again: Because I don’t know anything about Palin, I’ve tried to be open-minded about the pick. But 24 hours later, the obvious first conclusion to which one is tempted to jump appears increasingly correct: this is a person who has no business being anywhere near a national ticket. Sufficient evidence for this conclusion comes from the words of her supporters, along the lines of: Sure, she’s woefully underqualified, but in all probability John McCain will live for at least another four years! And if he doesn’t, we’re sure she will have the good sense to resign.

I wonder how many times she has visited Iraq to get the facts on the ground?


224 thoughts on “McCain/Palin”

  1. Sarah Palin — Ready to Lead 🙂


    I agree that now history will be made whoever wins, which is pretty remarkable, but from a practical standpoint the only rational explanation for this is that the internal polling numbers in the McCain camp must show him behind by enough in important states so that a roll of the dice became necessary.

  2. She wants creationism taught in schools and is strongly anti-choice. It’s pretty clear this is caving to the social conservatives.

    The Biden-Palin debates will be wildly entertaining … she has zero foreign policy experience and will be a heartbeat away (a 72 yr-old’s hearbeat) from running this country. That makes me shudder with fear.

    Maybe this choice is good politically for McCain … time will tell … but, it’s absolutely horrible for the United States.

  3. So history repeats itself. Once again McCain turns to a younger attractive woman to help his political career.


    The new GOP bumper stickers are going to read “The Pale One and Palin”

  4. I fear that this is not as bad (strategically) a pick as it first seems to many, possible wishful and insufficiently canny, commenters. They can say that Palin has “some real experience as an executive” versus the legislative-only (?) ticket of BO-Joe. It will be hard to criticize her for “lack of experience” due to that and Obama’s own vulnerability. (However, many commenters got hip to the strategy of accusing McCain of hypocrisy/double-standard about that issue, instead.) Many women will be attracted to the idea, especially if they were on the fence before.

    We can only hope that it looks like the pandering it is to enough voters, and that enough voters (take note Hillary supporters) realize that McCain-Palin would suppress abortion rights strongly given what they say they believe.

    Almost transparently, this has Rove-bullet’s “fingerprints all over it” – the cynical pandering move, done as a political stunt. McCain clearly looks like a prick (metaphorically at least.)

    Go BO-Joe!

  5. Neil B. says: “It will be hard to criticize her for “lack of experience” due to that and Obama’s own vulnerability.”

    Perhaps … but what this choice does is potentially diminish the effectiveness of the Obama-is-inexperienced meme coming from the McCain camp. This has been a cornerstone of their campaign … this was a meme I figured they’d repeat ad naseum until election day. It’s difficult to see that working as well now. Sure, maybe Obama doesn’t have decades of experience, but 4 yrs in D.C. preceded by several yrs in Illinois state gov’t is significantly more than 1.5 yrs as governor of Alaska preceded by major of a town w/ 9,000 people.

  6. I am delighted that McCain took the gutsy move to choose Palin as his VP. It has given me hope and a reason to vote for MCain. Heck, she is the governor of the biggest state of the nation, a working mother who has been able to balance her career while still being a mother of five! Her son is about to be sent to Irak and is a mother of a child with down’s syndrome. What an incredible woman.

  7. Well I guess we’ve just been guaranteed that the rest of the election cycle will be interesting.

    Really though, good for her. I will be voting in this election on policy of course and can’t say I agree with many of hers, but it’s heartening that in America even our conservative party does stuff like this.

    (Also had a friend just shout behind me “but who will all the racist AND sexist bigots vote for now?!” Good question. 😉 )

  8. Actually, I think McCain did flub up in the long run after all. I think there’s a simple and easy strategy Democrats could use to show the country that John McCain is playing games with the voters just to get elected. It takes a few steps:

    1. Ask, and maybe even him directly too: Would John McCain have picked Sarah Palin if, having all the same background, she wasn’t a woman? No, really, of course not – some guy like that just wouldn’t have been the Veep choice “and we all know it.” So,

    2. That shows that John McCain was pandering, trying to pull a “See what a cute smart-ass I am, diddling with Hillary supporters and sticking my tongue out at Barack Obama.” My mother said, he “looked pleased as punch,” with a big smug smart-alec’s smirk on his face.

    3. Once voters realize that John McCain was pandering like that, taking chances with the well-being of the nation just to play election games, enough of them will be outraged enough to say, no way I will vote for an jackass like that.

  9. I’m delighted by this choice as well – I think it’s a great boost for the Dems! McCain has ceded the cornerstone issue of his campaign (experience) and added an ultra-conservative wild card to the ticket. This should scare off plenty of independent voters. The only problem is that if McCain is elected it is now a much more frightening situation.

  10. “Teach both. You know, don’t be afraid of information. “

    Well, presumably she’s talking about Sedna and Raven and whatnot. I’m not all that strong on Inuit lore, so it can’t hurt to teach it.

  11. An absolutely brilliant move by the McCain campaign. A VP pick designed solely to pander to female votes as a political ploy, but one that will be portrayed as a bold and gutsy choice that will empower women, and allow McCain to show that he relates more to the common man. This could very well win him the election in November.

    …I weep for America’s future. I really, and truly do.

  12. I think she is a good choice, politically. Reinforces the maverick image while exciting the base. And she seems likeable and smart. Too bad both she and McCain are kooks. The McCain administration seems like it could potentially be even more disasterous than the current one.

  13. I think Mccain’s choice borders on insanity. Apparently Mccain thinks he is invincible. He’s had skin cancer recently, he’s got bad cholesterol numbers, he’s 72. He should have chosen someone with more experience. This woman would be President should anything (G-forbid) happen to him. She has been governor for only two years. She adds nothing to the ticket. She won’t win a debate against a sage like Biden either.

    I’m republican and I just changed my vote. At least if anything happens to Obama, Biden can lead.

    I am utterly disappointed in Mccain’s choice.

  14. The beautiy queen from Alaska running for VP has more executive experience, and a record that we can actually talk about, then the Democratic nominee for President

    What does that tell you about your guy….

  15. Slide2112, running a campaign like Obama does take executive skills, and here’s a very key point: Obama was attractive to many *in spite of* his little bit of experience, only because of other traits and apparent talents such as shown by his book and speeches. What has Palin got to *comp* for her lack of experience? Remember, much of the problem is John McCain’s self-contradiction in this choice. He’s the one who kept on pushing how important experience and especially fo-po experience is. At least Obama had contact with that in national government, and he can lean on Biden if need be. What will Sarah do if McCain slips out? Look at Charla’s post above.

  16. “Obama was attractive to many *in spite of* his little bit of experience, only because of other traits and apparent talents such as shown by his book and speeches.”

    Exactly! The guys got nothing. Well done Neil!

  17. I know nothing about this nominee, so I can’t make any serious claims. It seems rather political of McCain to pick a female vice-president, but all choices are done for political reasons. Based just on her views mentioned here, I’m even more not going to vote for McCain.

    But less seriously, doesn’t she remind you of the female president on Battlestar Galactica a few years ago?

    @Slide, nice job taking things way out of context. Neil didn’t say Obama has nothing to offer, just that he has OTHER things to offer to make up for his perceived lack of experience.

  18. This came from PUMA today – let’s listen to the radio show tonight:

    August 29, 2008
    TO: Puma PAC Members
    FROM: Murphy
    Subject: Announcement

    Hello Puma PAC,
    Goodbye Howard Dean. Goodbye Barack Obama. Goodbye Nancy Pelosi. Goodbye Donna Brazile. You have not only lost the White House for the Democratic Party. Today you have brought the Democratic Party to the brink of irrelevancy altogether. John McCain has played you all like a piano.

    Today we say GOODBYE to the OLD Democratic Party. The OLD Democratic Party has led us to DISASTER. John McCain and Sarah Palin will win in November by a landslide.

    TODAY, August 29th 2008, Puma PAC has started a new political party:

    We have a website launching tonight. at
    We will be modeled on Alice Paul’s National Woman’s Party. We will NOT be running candidates. We WILL be endorsing candidates.
    We will be the Party for All Disaffected Democrats who are FINISHED WITH THE OLD DEMOCRATIC PARTY. We are NOT Republicans, though millions of us will vote McCain/Palin in November.

    Our Platform is the Platform of the TRUE Democratic Party
    . Healthcare for All
    . Equal Rights
    . Reproductive Rights
    . Worker Protections
    . Envmtl Protections
    . Fair Immigration Policy
    . Help for working class college students
    . Good public schools



    To Join the New Democratic Party, please send an email with your name and state today to

    Listen in tonight to the Lion’s Share on No We Won’t Radio with Sheri Tagg.
    Riverdaughter and I will join her to talk about today’s events and where we go from here.

    Thank you and Good Luck,


  19. But Slide2112, that sort of talent shows intelligence and many say, good judgment. It should not be called “nothing,” and note the greater danger of McCain dying and leaving Palin in the breech, but Obama has Biden as ad visor meanwhile as well as to pick up if Obama dies.

  20. “We are NOT Republicans, though millions of us will vote McCain/Palin in November.

    Our Platform is the Platform of the TRUE Democratic Party
    . Healthcare for All
    . Equal Rights
    . Reproductive Rights
    . Worker Protections
    . Envmtl Protections
    . Fair Immigration Policy
    . Help for working class college students
    . Good public schools

    Total, damnable contradiction there. Are the PUMA folks really a front, a false flag operation?

  21. Murphy … give me a break … who are you trying to fool? That’s laughable.

    You need to be way more subtle to try and pull off a front like this. Unless you are going so over the line pretending it’s satire, but you’re really serious at the same time and joking about it being satire, but you’re actually serious about it being satire and pretending you’re serious … inconceivable!

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