42 thoughts on “Nobody told me”

  1. Boohoo for you! I found my first gray hair at 17. And at 31, I’ve been covering the gray for years now. 😛

  2. Bah! I had salt ‘n’ pepper in my early twenties. One of my sisters went completely silver by 45. I just told people it was from thinking ::nudge:: lofty thoughts (i.e., the silver was frost)….

    I should probably be embarrassed.

    But I was a total dork.

  3. I’m in the same boat as the first four commenters. To add insult to injury, my uncle didn’t start getting noticeable white hairs until his early 60s.

  4. If we’d have told you earlier then we’d have had to kill you (generational security – I’m sure you understand). Now that you’re officially _OLD_, I’m allowed to tell you the secret handshake. Unfortunately, I don’t remember it. Sorry.


  5. At least you have hair!

    A fellow student, only one year my senior, started having buzzcuts because he was growing bald in his late twenties.

    Thank GUT for my good genes. I’ve even grown progressively darker for the past decade or more.

  6. Bah… I was pretty much a cue-ball when I turned 21. Now my beard is turning grey and I’m only 35. 🙂

  7. yeah Sean, I’m afraid I began getting them in grad school. sigh… no sympathy.

    You’ve got hair too right? Plenty of guys just happy to have gray ones.


  8. Other than all the usual “scientific” reasons for the loss of pigments in the hair (genetics, diet, stress, overall health, etc.), my personal pet theory (with absolutely zero evidence) is that the semioticity of the greying palate is enlightened wisdom. One of the genetic benefits of an American Indian ancestry is the long delay of enveloping grey hair on our heads, while most of the rest of us is hairless. Now that i am into my 60s and finally getting a good halo of greyness i am feeling oh so much wiser (as i keep telling myself).

  9. My first grey hairs coincided with taking EM in grad school. Correlation … causation … blah, blah, but I always wonder whether the infamous Jackson text had anything to do with it.

  10. I’m in my twenties and already finding gray hairs. My wife just loves pointing them out to me. But I point out I never had any until I married her. 🙂

  11. I can still remember vividly the horror of seeing the first grey hair appear in my beard when I was in my thirties. Now about twenty five years later my beard has turned nearly totally grey. I reduce the impact of this by keeping it trimmed down to a designer stubble.

    Fortunately I have hardly any grey in the hair on my head. However I am sure that future greying together with incipient thinning will result in me having my hair cut to a short stubble too. My hair has been cut shorter over the years, it makes me look more punk which I still am.

  12. If it makes you feel better Sean, one of the things that attracted me to my husband was his salt and pepper hair. He’s got gray hair and a wife 10 years younger than him!

    Chicks dig the silver.

  13. This is good news, Sean! You now qualify to own a yacht, as well as for a lifetime prescription for Viagra. So, you can look forward to many happy “golden” years.

  14. sean; Would you rather sympathy or empathy?

    I’m 27 and get a couple grays poking out here and there, but honestly I’d love it if the whole thing went full silver. I think I’d look good like that.

    Be lucky, my younger brother is definitely working on the male-pattern-thinning stage at 25, and I think he’s been trying to stave it off for a few years now.

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