My one big brush with celebrity since moving to LA came over a year ago. I was contacted by Brad Grossman, cultural attaché to Brian Grazer of Imagine Entertainment. (The position of “cultural attaché to Brian Grazer” is sufficiently interesting the search for Brad’s replacement after he eventually left became the basis for an article in The New Yorker.) Grazer is one of the biggest producers in Hollywood — he’s the partner of Ron Howard, who does the directing. Think A Beautiful Mind, Apollo 13 — entertaining movies that can also make you think a bit.

Of course, they were also responsible for The Da Vinci Code, which was neither very entertaining nor especially thought-provoking. But it sure did make lots of cash. So they signed up to make a film of Angels & Demons, the sequel. This time they really wanted to do a better job, but the raw material was not great; author Dan Brown is not known for putting a lot of work into accuracy and all that nonsense. So, among other things, they were talking to physicists — one of the major characters in the book is a physicist, and the opening scenes are set at CERN, and involve antimatter and baby universes. CERN even set up a webpage dealing with some of the physics issues.

So I got to have lunch with Ron Howard and Brian Grazer, and talk about what would happen if you dropped a gram of antimatter in the river, and generally had a good time. Then the writers’ strike happened, and eventually they made the movie — I didn’t have any further involvement, and have no idea how it’s going to turn out. We’ll find out this spring.

But here is the point: sure, if you are Brian Grazer or Steven Spielberg or someone at that level, you can afford to hire a person whose sole job it is to hook you up with expertise in whatever field your latest movie or TV show happens to involve. But for the overwhelming majority of Hollywood projects, neither the time nor the money nor the knowledge is available to make that happen in any reliable way. We all have seen plenty of bad science in movies and on TV. Some of it is because the creators aren’t especially interested in getting it right — but increasingly they are. Too much of the bad science is just because the writers and directors didn’t know any better, and didn’t know how to find out.

No more! Tomorrow is the launch event for the Science and Entertainment Exchange, a new initiative sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences. It’s a brand-new program, based in LA, to provide appropriate scientific expertise to all sectors of the entertainment industry. Not just making sure that a particular scene doesn’t violate the laws of physics too egregiously, but helping conscientious filmmakers accurately portray the culture of science — how those mysterious scientists really think and talk and dress. (I think it’s pretty obvious that the acronym for the new effort should be written as SEEx, which has the useful resonance with “seeks,” which is what a good scientist does. It also has some resonance with “sex,” which is less directly related to the scientific enterprise, but won’t hurt with the Hollywood crowd.)


SEEx is off to a great start, as they recently hired the lovely and talented Jennifer Ouellette to be the director of the new program. Jennifer was brought in a bit late, but has big plans for bringing together both sides of the cultural divide between these two glamorous and creative fields of human endeavor. Personally, as spouse of the head honcho of the program, I’m hoping to also benefit; in particular, I’d like to get to meet Jodie Foster some day. Just because she was such a positive role model of a scientist in cinema, you understand.



36 thoughts on “SEEx”

  1. It’s not like I’m really the person to ask. But it is at least plausible to suggest that the explosion would not be nearly as bad as you might think. The point is that, while antimatter/matter annihilations release a lot of energy, a gram of pure antimatter is not optimized for a bomb. There would be an explosion as the antimatter hit the water (or air, or whatever), but the shock from that explosion would clear a vacuum around the speck of antimatter, so it would take a bit of time before more matter could come into contact with it and annihilate. There is some hydrodynamics problem here without an obvious intuitive answer, but at least it’s not crazy to imagine that the energy would be released in a series of mini-explosions stretched out over some number of seconds, rather than all at once. Might make for quite a compelling scene, actually.

  2. “But for the overwhelming majority of Hollywood projects, neither the time nor the money nor the knowledge is available to make that happen in any reliable way.”

    Now, I was under the impression that many poor SF-writers have very good science. Are all those writers former scientists? It just strikes me as odd that Hollywood couldn’t afford a specialist or fifteen when poor SF-writers seem to get hold of them quite easily. But then I am not in the business, and I guess the SF-writers might actually have time to figure it out for themselves. But doesn’t most SF-writers need to have day jobs to survive?

    I am willing to wager that as long as the majority of entertainment consumers watch solely to shut off their brain for a while the entertainment industry will make films that let them do just that, or risk loss of revenue. Besides, why teach people to think when it is so much easier to make movies that don’t require you to think? And as added bonus for the industry I bet that people who don’t like to think that much spend more time with escapism and that they thus rather not be part of changing peoples thinking habits for the better. Not to mention that thinking people demand more diversity. They wouldn’t be able to sell movies made from templates anymore.

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