
Quick! What do the following kinds of people have in common?

  • Rebel
  • Hypocrite
  • Masturbator
  • Atheist
  • Slave
  • Diva
  • Fornicator
  • Porn Addict
  • Homosexual

Answer below the fold.

The answer is: they are all bad. If you fit into any of these categories, you should recognize your shortcomings and change.

At least, that’s what I learned from P4CM.com, website of the Passion for Christ Movement. (Via, and also.) And once you successfully have overcome your shortcomings, let the world know with these snazzy T-shirts!


Stylin’. I’m sure the kids at your high school will respect the strength of will you have demonstrated in announcing your lifestyle change through bold fashion choices. And the mental imagery will be completely welcome!

Still, there are some mixed messages here. Given the nature of the organization, we shouldn’t be surprised that “Atheist” and “Homosexual” and “Masturbator” are condemned as bad. And “Slave” isn’t something anyone wants to be, that’s for sure. But apparently you don’t want to be a “Rebel,” either. “Obey — but not too slavishly.” All of this while avoiding being a “Diva” or a “Hypocrite”! Man, religion is hard.


59 thoughts on “Ex-”

  1. jester,

    You are barely making any sense. Every person is a collection of their own actions and words. That is so obvious it shouldn’t even be said. And clearly, I have been adjusting my (rather high) opinion of Sean flexibly as well. I am trying to hold him to (what I believe to be) a higher standard. This is no different from what Sean is asking others when he points out their flawed beliefs and desired policies. So even Sean doesn’t hold to your mantra of “tell us what you think….not of what others should do or think”. And I would have to say that even you do not subscribe to that, as you are now asking me act in a certain manner.

  2. I want all those t-shirts but with Born Again instead of EX. The Born Again should speak to the P4CM movement. Born Again Atheist.

    Still, that photo with those kids and those shirts, I don’t know, it’s creepy.

  3. Uh… There is nothing ‘below the fold’ except for people’s comments. Where is the content that is being mocked?

  4. Pingback: Humbler than thou! « Lusepuster

  5. “But that’s far from the case. Just ask anyone in California whose marriage was recently declared illegitimate by popular referendum.”

    Well, in our defense, most of us were not aware that you, speaking on behalf of all scientists, authoritatively proclaimed that there is no such thing as natural law.

  6. So every time I make fun of someone I have to give equal time to “the other side”? Since when? Ridiculous.

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